East Midlands Teacher Training Partnership

Our NPQ suite

There are 3 'specialist' NPQs. These are open to all levels of staff with a particular responsibility or interest in an area of school. The current specialist NPQs are;

  1. NPQ: Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC) For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school.  

  2. NPQ: Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school. They may have responsibilities for the development of all teachers across a school or specifically trainees or teachers who are early in their careers.  

  3. NPQ: Leading Teaching (NPQLT) For teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage, or phase.

  4.  NPQ: Leading Literacy (NPQLL)This new, fully funded NPQ will help you learn the essential knowledge and skills to successfully lead high quality, literacy development and teaching in your school.

The 4 leadership NPQs are outlined below.

  1. NPQ: Senior Leadership (NPQSL) For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.  

  2. NPQ: Headship (NPQH) For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school. 

  3.  NPQ: Early Years Leadership (NPQH)this new, fully funded, NPQ to help you develop your knowledge and understanding of what high-quality, early years education and care looks like.

  4. NPQ: Executive Leadership (NPQEL) For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a school trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools.

If you would like further guidance regarding suitability for the NPQs, the guidance can be found below.